3 Ways Your Workplace Can Show Support for Autism Awareness Month

Are you looking for a way to increase awareness, understanding, and acceptance of autism

Spreading autism awareness is something that can (and should) be done every day. However, April is autism awareness month, and that's when individuals and businesses come together to spread the word, locally and globally.

Whether you work in an office setting or have a fundraiser coming up, there are plenty of places to show your support for this fantastic cause. In 2018, this special month provided more than 40,000 families access to autism-friendly experiences, like sensory-friendly museum tours, and raised more $1.3 million in grants!

You still have time to pledge your support. Here are three ways you and your colleagues can show support at the workplace.

1. Wear the Puzzle Piece

The puzzle piece symbol is highly-recognized for being the symbol of autism spectrum disorders.

This puzzle piece can, and does, appear everywhere—T-shirts, bumper stickers, badge reels, lanyards. Since its trademark in 1999 by the Autism Society, everyone recognizes this symbol, much like the pink breast cancer ribbon, as a sign of awareness and acceptance.

If you want to spread your support, consider donning the puzzle piece symbol. You can wear it in-office, and especially at a charity event or fundraiser.

If someone doesn't recognize the symbol, you can use that as an excuse to tell them all about it. This conversation starter is a fantastic way to spread the word to colleagues.

2. Do a Charity Walk

Your business still has time to organize a charity walk in April!

First, figure out a date, time, and location. Once this is established, spread the word through newsletters, social media, and other marketing tactics, including all forms of print and digital media. Encourage all employees to attend, and even bring a plus-one.

Choose a route that is safe, accessible, and manageable for all ages and activity levels. This will encourage everyone to attend regardless of physical capabilities.

Make sure there are resources on-site, such as bathrooms, snacks, water, and tables for signing in. Encourage your attendees to wear gear that's decorated with the autism puzzle piece. Take plenty of photos and post them to your company's social media page (with permission).

3. Hold a Fundraiser for the Autism Society

Donating money to the Autism Society is a fantastic way to support a good cause.

To raise money, consider hosting a company fundraiser that encourages all employees to attend. Open the event to the public to raise even more money.

Employees can host a bake sale or silent auction; they can sell products that have the puzzle piece. Encourage the sale of tickets, with all proceeds going to the Autism Society. For those who can't attend, provide digital methods of donating. 

April Is Autism Awareness Month!

So, get started now!

Order your badge reels or lanyards today and get ready to spread the word. Prepare to speak about, pledge support, and wear the colors or the autism puzzle.

And remember, you can show your pride during autism awareness month in April—but you can also do so year-round.

Shop our lanyards today. They're perfect for charity walks, to wear in-office, or to spread awareness at your next fundraiser.

Autism awarenessBadge holdersBadge reelsLanyards

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